Friday, January 30, 2015

It looks to be a gorgeous day and I'm one of a handful, that's on the road at sunrise.  Today's going to be a long day as I have 2 legs and 400 miles to Las Cruces, New Mexico, far enough west I figure, to miss the storm's reach.

I set out with 252 miles in the cells and have 227 to travel.  That gives me a 10% buffer. Deja vu.  There aren't a lot of charging options out here but more than that, I don't want to spend extra time 'slow' charging, increasing the risk of being caught in the storm.  So...yep, I make like a grandma, put on my babushka and watch everybody pass me.  

No elevation gain, no head wind, no problem.  I arrive in Van Horn, TX, pay the $15 to charge then begin my 7 hour lay over.

Seven hours sounds like a long time, I know, but it really does go by fast.  Laundry, shower, free popcorn, yaking, computer work, phone calls, then it's time to leave.  I check the weather one last time and it calls for Van Horn to get hit hard.  I see a motorcycle camper setting up his tent and believe he's going to have a cold night.

It's dark now, but I still get on the road as I need to head another 170 miles west into New Mexico.

I arrive at the KOA "parking lot" around 10.  Everything is shut down, but my late packet greets me with open arms.  

I plug in, bunk down and have the most gorgeous view of a starry sky from Kitt's sunroof.  I'm feeling pretty darn good, happy to be out of the storm's reach.  I go to sleep, almost euphoric on how good life is and what this trip has brought to me.  A short time later, I hear the pitter patter of rain drops on the roof.  It doesn't get any better than this I think, as I drift off to sleep. 


  1. $15 oh well that's not too bad considering all the free bees along the way.

    Hope U have fun down south.


  2. It's much like water in the desert. You check out the couple of vendors, but in the end you pay what they want.
