Friday, September 19, 2014

One last charge at Moab, then Green River before I head to Colorado.  Red Rocks Amphitheatre is on the top of my list for this state and when I found out Florida Georgia Line and Jason Aldean were headlining for two days in September, my departure date from California and all other stops in between were back-tracked so I could attend.  I'm super excited to see the amphitheater and truth be known, I'd show up for a concert by the Muppets just to be there!

This could easily pass for a postcard, right?  But it's not.  That's a pic I took from the Silver Plume & Georgetown placard by the side of the road.  The beauty just keeps coming... and a "couple" of surprises as well.

Obviously it's deer hunting season here.  Now that's a sight you I don't see every day.  Click on the pic to zoom in, but only if you can stomach detail.  The hunter, did a great job with the skinning.

1 comment:

  1. Geez, Google is such a bitch! For the third time, I love your blog! The concert looked like a blast!!!! Love your across the car seat selfie! And the skinned deer where priceless. Gotta get those antlers home in one piece! Have a great time every day!
